
Every September in studio we do "Back to Basics" months where we really go back and revisit our foundational skills with the aim of refining, experimenting and putting some soul into them! Before you start this course, whether you want to dip in and out or follow in order, ensure you are comfortable with the beginners syllabus. The first video will help you to assess your level of comfort with it, so if you're not sure, start there.

One huge struggle, particularly for students who like to dance or perform, is to find fun ways up from and down to the floor. Here are lots of ideas to get you started. I will add more as they go up!

Getting up off the floor:

- Swoopy Doo (beg)

- Attitude Spin Up (improver)
- Kneeling Fan Kick (improver)
- Reverse Leap (improver)
- Russian Stand Up (improver)

Getting down to the floor:

- Fan Kick Kip (improver)
- Genie Plank (improver)

- Tornado Roll (higher int)
- Hard Style Step Over (higher int)

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